Love In the Name of Christ of the Kenai Peninsula is an inter-denominational Christian organization that works with churches and agencies in the area to provide assistance to our neighbors in need.
Our affiliate opened November 30, 1987. We network with over 80 churches on the Kenai Peninsula, via partnering with us, or in some way been instrumental in assisting with various needs.
The vision for THE COMPASS is to see the next generation of youth rise up and become who God created them to be. We believe that in many cases, the low expectations and the destructive strongholds of society hold our youth back. At THE COMPASS, we seek to empower youth to make good life choices, develop practical life skills, build Godly character, and to then go out serving and leading in Alaska and beyond.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. We work in nearly 100 countries, serving all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We believe in a full solution to poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, partner with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor.
"We feed people because no one deserves to be hungry!" The KPFB's mission is to provide nourishing food to those in need requiring assistance and to promote public awareness of hunger issues. We are dedicated to addressing hunger on the Kenai Peninsula by distributing food to the hungry directly or through associated nonprofit agencies.
The ABC Pregnancy Care Center was founded in 1982 as the "Child & Motherhood Support Center". From a telephone crisis line working out of private homes the Center's exciting journey has been one of providing and increasing services to meet the needs in our community. In our very welcoming environment, the Center exists to provide women and their families a safe place to go. Caring staff makes available services, accurate information, and support before, during and after pregnancy.
Alaska Correctional Ministries is a non-profit organization that has been partnering with the Department of Corrections Chaplaincy Ministry statewide since 1980, providing life-changing ministry to Alaska’s prisoners and ex-offenders. Together, we are providing ministry and programs that offer hope and real solutions in the lives of offenders through the transforming work of God.
Friendship Mission, Inc: New directors, Rich and Cami are so blessed to continue the mission and legacy of Skipper and Mary Ann. They continue to minister to the homeless men in the Kenai Peninsula.
Brazil missionary family, the Routons, Micah and Marla, with their daughters Samara and Noelle.
Chris & Lindsey Carter: Japan Chris is the interim pastor of our church, Tsukuba International Christian Assembly. The church has people from over a dozen nations as well as local Japanese people. It has really been growing and we are hoping to further the growth with a new evangelism focus.
Maria Pedro: Missionary to Mexico
Mexico- Brazos de Shalom Orphanage & Evangelism
Facebook En La Gloria Pedro
Point to Hope Ministries Nancy L. Haney: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher ... the anointing of the Holy Spirit moves powerfully through Nancy in all of these dimensions. Yet, if you were to ask Nancy to define herself she would say: “I am a friend of God” ... “I am just thankful that my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life.”Nancy is the president and founder of Point To Hope Ministries. The ministry is devoted to bringing the message of “Our Hope in Jesus Christ” to the nations. PTH operates and moves under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has anointed Nancy with His authority to go throughout the United States and various places around the world to break seemingly impenetrable strongholds over regions and nations. She is gifted with a strong anointing to operate in the Five-Fold Ministry.
A missionary is a member of a religious group sent into an area to do evangelism or ministries of service, such as education, literacy, social justice, health care andeconomic development.[1][2] The word "mission" originates from 1598 when the Jesuits sent members abroad, derived from the Latin missionem (nom. missio), meaning "act of sending" or mittere, meaning "to send".[3] The word was used in light of its biblical usage; in the Latin translation of the Bible, Christ uses the word when sending the disciples to preach in his name.